Ray Wilson | The Changing Medley | "Change", "These Are The Changes" & "First Day Of Change" Mash-Up

#change #thesearethechanges #firstdayofchange

Bowie sung that “nothing has changed, and eveything is changed” in “Sunday”, many many years after the success of “Changes”.
Springsteen used to say that “music can change someone’s life in a single evening”.
The importance of “change" lies in the fact it's the best way to go to find yourself. And become yourself.
The “change” concept has been a constant guide in music, in life, in finding the "right sound to accompany lives".

So “back to the start I go”...
And we started together with “Change” back in 2003: there was the beauty and (unconsciousness) of youth (“I don’t think I can change”), where you think nothing can change you. And maybe, I don’t want to change, because it’s right people love you for what you are. That’s why “ain’t gonna change” become a kind of motto for many ones.

Then life showed its power, and reminded you how everything could change, even when you didn’t expected it: we are one year later, with the 2004 track “These Are The Changes”, and what the Ground Zero-era brought us. Wisdom grows as you grow up. Events and unexpected global changes, can suddenly change you: what the day brings you, it’s what you’ll become or what you don’t want to be anymore. A new perception of yourself. A new vision of the world you live in: the right personal changes can change everyone and everything around you.

Then, we ended up in 2011 with “First Day Of Change”: after the resistance in changes, after life has changed you, you release everyday could be the first step in changing something. Because becoming yourself and follow your dreams, never happens tomorrow, never happened yesterday. It’s always now. Today is the answer. Everyday could be the first day for changing and rising. There’s no love in darkness but only light. When you focus on love and what’s real, it’s the moment you understand what “change” means.

So we had some fun putting together a kind of mash-up with the above three tracks (let’s unofficially name it “The Changing Medley”), to give you a musical journey for all of this magical “changing” experience we all lived in the last (almost) 20 years.

Tracks you can listen (and watch) in full at raywison.net/backstage scrolling down to the “Archive” and “Jukebox” sections.
And if you want to listen to something different, you simply have to “change” track 😉


Post and video mash-up by Blu Kaos


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