My 1st Solo Art Show "Come As You Are"

The Enemy tried so hard to break me and destroy me in this season. My mind and my viewpoint he tried to bend with lies daily. Night terrors and distractions. I lost everything besides the clothes I have and my car, but I gained so much more from My Savior Jesus. The devil has always tried to destroy my perspective of God/ YHWH's view of me and how much He loves and cares for me and His Children. I could go on and on about all the hurt and pain and suffering throughout my life or even this year alone, but instead I want to encourage y'all to keeping pushing forward no matter the storm. We serve The True Living God who can CALM THE HARDEST SEAS!

Keep the faith my brothers and sisters while many are beginning to fall away. Like Marvin Sapp said.... It doesn't feel good... He was right but we have to believe Jeremiah 29:11. We have to believe YHWH is ordering our steps. The battlefield is in the mind and we have to fight for our minds.

The best part about this night was when I requested everyone to testify including myself. Shoutout Caleb who I hugged at the end of the video because he spoke about something many people don't have the strength to speak on. Love you bro!
Everybody said they felt the presence of God and Love and peace and community. Some said they felt something they hadn't felt anywhere else. Heart Warming.
Shoutout Tif!!! who endured with me a lot as I prepared for this showing and for opening her home and green house/garden for me to pray and meditate in daily. You're awesome !!!!!!!!!!!

I Sincerely Love y'all and I do it for y'all because it's from a real place &
because I know YHWH will chasten me severely if I choose otherwise.
Keep me in your prayers.
-The Painter Tony-


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