Kanye West – “Ye Vs. The People” (Feat. T.I.)

Kanye West – “Ye Vs. The People” (Feat. T.I.)

Kanye West released his first two new songs of 2018 last night. One was a troll move called “Lift Yourself” that featured Kanye rapping in gibberish about poop. Then, later on, LA radio station Power 106 premiered another track that more closely resembles a proper single — or if not a single, at least an actual song one might listen to for pleasure.

“Ye Vs. The People” is a duet with T.I. The song has no chorus, just one back-and-forth verse in which Kanye and T.I. debate politics, with Tip in the role of “the people.” It references presidents, police brutality, and Get Out’s “sunken place” along the way. Ye’s first words: “Obama was heaven-sent/ But ever since Trump won, it proved that I could be president.” He also tells T.I., “You just reading the headlines/ You ain’t reading the fine print.” Furthermore, “That’s the problem with this damn nation/ All blacks gotta be democrats/ We ain’t made it off the plantation.” For his part, T.I. replies, “You gotta see the vantage point of the people/ What makes you feel equal makes them feel evil.”

You can hear the song here. Whether it’s part of the new Kanye album dropping 6/1 — part of a slew of five Kanye-produced albums in five weeks promised for May and June — remains to be seen. Personally I hope it isn’t; the best I can say for this one is at least it’s better than “I’m Not Racist.”