Sananda Maitreya - The Ballad Of Rod Steiger (Lyric Video)

Sananda on 'The Ballad Of Rod Steiger':
Along with many other Creative Artists, I share a great love & admiration for good Storytelling Well Presented. It’s not difficult to imagine how pervasive is the reality of being inspired by that which is emotionally conceived & dynamically well crafted. Indeed many a song of mine has been hatched over the years sitting in a darkened Movie Theatre while watching the intertwined communion of Shadows & Light spreading its Magic bouncing off of a Film Screen & right back into our eyes.

During the last couple of years that I lived in Malibu California before returning to Europe, I was privileged to get a chance to hang out briefly with the great Icon of Stage & Screen ROD STEIGER. I used to see him in his Brownish-Beige Volkswagen Cabriolet driving up & down the Pacific Coast Highway in his popped collared Polo Shirts & a beatnik’s beach worthy bucket hat rakishly worn atop his head. And not to be outdone were his (more often than not) cargo shorts & boat shoes.

We both favored the same Gas Station, a Union 76 right on the highway & one day as I saw him there also refueling his automobile, I chanced the opportunity to introduce myself to him as a big fan who very much appreciated his immense contribution to the Art & History of the Movies. And as it often is with those of us in the Arts, FLATTERY WON HIS ATTENTION & what warm affection thereafter flowed. I was likewise flummoxed that he had heard of who I was & for an all too brief spell of time, I’d invite him to lunch at a local spot called ‘TAVERNA TONY’S’ where the Greek Food & Whiskey flowed. In return for my generosity in hosting him, I’d receive the gift of his recollections of the ‘Golden Days Of Hollywood’. And as Songwriters are but themselves the Keepers of the Tales of a Thousand Nights, I basked in the glow of these reminiscences & cherished the coveted moments therein. Not to mention his seasoned advice concerning my own life at the time. (*)

We hereby salute all Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers & those whose visions & work in the Industry has set the world’s imagination alight & given to us the nuclear matter of dreams & often a soft place for our fears to land.
Sananda Maitreya !

(*) it continues on the official website at

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Songs lyrics:

Directed by Alan Smithee & S+
Produced by Francesca Francone Maitreya
for TreeHouse Publishing & Eidmar Productions

#SanandaMaitreya #TheBalladOfRodSteiger #Lyrics #Rock #PostMillenniumRock


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